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Jeet Kune Do is a modern martial art created by Bruce Lee in the 1960s. The style is more than a fighting technique; it is a philosophy allowing for freedom of expression and developing a personal style that works for you. It is ideal for self-defense since it was created primarily for this purpose.

Read More about What Is Jeet Kune Do? A Beginner’s Guide to Bruce Lee’s Art

Korean martial arts styles are primarily centered on striking, and Taekwondo is the best example of their striking art. Korean martial arts styles also include grappling arts (Ssireum), hybrid arts (Hapkido), and weapon-based arts (Kumdo). However, these are less well-known than Taekwondo.

Read More about What Are the Different Styles of Korean Martial Arts?

Japanese martial arts include dozens of different combat systems that differ in various aspects, notably emphasis, philosophy, and orientation. These arts are also practiced for different purposes, such as sports, personal growth, self-defense, or fitness. Some of the most popular ones are striking arts such as karate and grappling systems like Judo and Jujutsu.

Read More about What Are the Different Styles of Japanese Martial Arts?