MMA channel is your online channel where you will find very helpful information related to Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) and Martial Arts.
Our writers actually have extensive backgrounds in martial arts and really know what they are talking about when it comes to MMA and martial arts. Don’t take our word for it; see for yourself by reading one of our articles.
We hope you find our site very helpful, and please check out our site often to find the latest information about MMA and martial arts.
Our main authors:
Clay E is a former collegiate wrestler at James Madison University. After his collegiate wrestling day was over, Clay desperately needed to continue his competitive drive, which he found in Muay Thai/MMA after watching MMA fights. Muay Thai/MMA training is not some hobby for him, it’s his life! Clay has been training in Muay Thai/MMA since 2010.
Jeff J is a retired Gunnery Sgt. with the United States Marine Corps. He was involved in extensive training in weapons systems and hand-to-hand combat. He mentored and trained hundreds of Marines in high-level fitness programs.
Jeff also studied various martial arts in the past, including boxing. Jeff J. is also a former Federal Police officer who now works as a security expert. Jeff is very passionate about helping people become physically fit, and he has helped many people stay fit using his U.S. Marine Corps fitness experience.
Jeff also loves discussing MMA-related topics, and his dream is to become a UFC fight commentator one day (in his wildest dreams!).