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Verbal judo is a tactical communication strategy used to calm confrontational interactions and direct them to a peaceful outcome. The techniques include speaking in a certain way, facial expressions, and body language designed to diffuse potentially volatile situations.

Read More about What Is Verbal Judo for Police? The Gentle Art of Persuasion Explained

Bruce Lee’s quote about “being like water” was a philosophy in reference to his approach to martial arts and to life in general. Water adapts and changes to its surroundings and obstacles, but when water comes with force, it is an unstoppable, irresistible force that little can withstand.

Read More about What Did Bruce Lee Mean By “Be Like Water?” Simply Explained

Aikido’s bad reputation can be traced back to some celebrities who misrepresented Aikido as a combat art to the public. However, Aikido is not a combat art because it is designed to neutralize an attacker in a peaceful, nonviolent way. As such, many view it as weak art.

Read More about Why Does Aikido Have a Bad Reputation? Here’s a Closer Look

Martial arts can improve seniors’ balance, mental acuity, and physical strength. The top 5 martial arts for seniors to study to stimulate the mind and body and learn a helpful self-defense art include the following.
1. Brazillian Jiujitsu
2. Aikido 
3. Krav Maga
4. Karate
5. Judo

Read More about Top 5 Best Martial Arts For Seniors – Safe And Effective