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A TKO or Technical Knockout is when a fighter is unable to competently defend themselves. Sometimes, a TKO will occur when doctors or medical staff will decide that it is no longer safe for a fighter to continue the match. On the other hand, a KO or Knockout occurs when a blow renders a fighter unconscious.

Read More about Key Differences Between TKO and KO in MMA – Simply Explained

There are several reasons why kung fu isn’t prominent in MMA. Some forms of kung fu focus on illegal maneuvers and strikes. Another issue is the focus on strikes, which can leave fighters vulnerable to grappling techniques. Additionally, the way that kung fu often puts a greater focus on inner peace and self-defense, rather than the offensive techniques needed for MMA.

Read More about Why Are There No Kung Fu Fighters in MMA? Key Reasons Explained

Bruce Lee is widely considered to be the father of MMA because of his philosophy of combining aspects of various fighting disciplines into a personal style. This is a cornerstone principle for any MMA fighter that gets into the ring. A fighter who rigidly sticks to one discipline is disadvantaged.

Read More about Bruce Lee – Why He Is Considered The Father Of MMA

Rapid weight cut begins approximately five days before the weigh-in. First, fighters start dehydrating themselves slowly, cutting out all carbohydrates and restricting salt (sodium) intake. Then, on the final day, fighters sweat excessively to shed extra weight right before the official weigh-in.

Read More about How Do UFC Fighters Cut Weight So Rapidly? Fully Explained